Submitted by aaron on
It is with a great deal of sadness that we have to share the unfortunate tragedy that has led to the death of Larry Heidler on June 29th, 2016. Larry was enjoying his passion of hang gliding when he had an accident while launching in Crestline.
Larry had been a Vice President and was always first to volunteer supporting club activities, and was the friendliest guy imaginable.
Our condolences go out to Bonnie, his family, and his friends.
Larry will truly be missed.
Funeral Arrangements Larry Heidler
- The following arrangements have been made for my husband, Larry Heidler
- Viewing and service: July 14, 2016 10:00 AM
- East Hills Church 20660 Orange Terrace Parkway Riverside, Ca
- Military Service at gravesite
- Riverside National Cemetery 22495 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, Ca 12:15
- Celebration of Life Orangecrest Club 1175 E. Alessandro Blvd. Riverside, Ca 1:30
aaron replied on Permalink
Memorial information will be
Memorial information will be shared when available.
I will be putting a picture gallery together. If you have pictures you wish to share please send them to me at
BonnieHeidler replied on Permalink
Funeral Arrangements Larry Heidler
The following arrangements have been made for my husband, Larry Heidler
Viewing and service: July 14, 2016 10:00 AM
East Hills Church 20660 Orange Terrace Parkway Riverside, Ca
Military Service at gravesite
Riverside National Cemetery 22495 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, Ca 12:15
Celebration of Life Orangecrest Club 1175 E. Alessandro Blvd. Riverside, Ca 1:30
aaron replied on Permalink
This Flight is for Larry
courtesy of crestlinesoaring