2015-2016 Election Results

  • President
    • Fred Dahl
  • Vice President
    • John Estrada
  • Secretary
    • Aaron Brendzy
  • Treasurer
    • Nikki Brady
  • Board Members
    • Dan Martin
    • Doris Holden
    • Joe Heithe
    • Bob Ashe
    • Bill Brady
    • Pat Ashe
    • Kevin Regli
    • Bonnie Heidler
    • Marshall Holman

I would like to thank everyone who volunteered to run for a board position.

WEPC would not be here, if not for the volunteers.

Lois Dickson will be greatly missed

In Loving Memory

Lois Ann Dickson, 74 of Moreno Valley, California passed away on June 8, 2015 after a valiant battle with cancer.

Lois was born September 13, 1940, in Columbus, OH.    she was the daughter of the Esta Boice and the late Hollis Boice.
Lois was always quick to smile and made friends easily. She was prolific, published artist with tremendous talent that transcended all mediums, including painting, drawing, and ceramics.  She loved to spend time with members of the Art Association , West End Prospectors, and her church.

Lois is survived by her mother Esta Boice; siblings Belva, Elden, and Roger; children James, Kimberlyn, Mark, and Michael; and grandchildren Brandon, Eric, Jamie, Joseph, Ryan, Sean, and Stephanie.
A funeral service will be held on Wednesday June 24 at 10:00am at the Church of Christ located at 3601 Adams Street in Riverside, CA.  There will also be a graveside service at Riverside National Cemetery at 1 PM, immediately following the church service.

Flowers and condolences can be sent in care of:

Miller-Jones Mortuary

23618 Sunnymead Blvd

Moreno Valley, CA 92553


June Newsletter

Important: The WEPC ballot is included in this newsletter. Please participate by either bringing the ballot to the June general meeting or mail it in. Please log in with your member account to view the newsletter.

PLP/MMAC Octoberfest 2015

This event will take place in honor of Jerry Hobbs, the founder of the PLP (Public Lands for the People) and mining rights legend who dedicated many years of his life to fighting for our rights to public lands. Sadly, Jerry passed away Dec. 28, 2014, although he is gone - he is not forgotten! The PLP, MMAC (Minerals & Mining Advisory Council), Sleepy Bear Mining & American Prospector Treasure Seeker ask you to "save the dates" for the 2015 Oktoberfest PLP/MMAC outing event. 2015 marks the 25th year anniversary for the PLP!

Objective: Our goal is to bring all types of outdoor enthusiasts TOGETHER and UNITE ourselves in effort to raise funds for the PLP and MMAC. The PLP Is a A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization which fights for our rights to public lands. As outdoor enthusiasts & Americans WE ALL have rights to public lands, which are being taken away from us more and more each day. This event raised about $9,500.00 for the cause last year, we hope to do the same or even more at this year's event!

Dates: Friday October 9th - Monday October 12th

Where: Sleepy Bear Mine, Randsburg CA


2015-2016 Board Elections

WEPC will be taking nominations for new Officers and Board Members at the General Meeting. WEPC is a corporation, and by law, WEPC must have elected Officers and Board Members to operate. Without them, WEPC will cease to exist. Officer positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. There are also 9 Board Member positions to fill. Members must have one year of membership to qualify for the above positions. Members must make nominations for these positions. The members who are nominated must be available to accept or decline the nomination. The election will be held at the June General Meeting. WEPC needs volunteers for committee positions. Any member, regardless of membership time, can volunteer for the committees. Please log in with your member account to view the current nominees.

Current nominees can be found in the members' forum at the following link


Claim maps

I'm in the process of formatting the TOPO's and data for the claim maps. I'm making them fully interactive, so check out the claim sections. Buckshot is started but I have some more changes to do. After they are done I'll put together a tutorial to use them.

If you have any suggestions to improve the maps let me know.

I will be adding a highlighted road layer to the overlays for each claim, so don't suggest this.


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