May 2018 Outing at Coolgardie
Submitted by Pat Ashe on
May 2018 Outing, Coolgardie, Yellow Gopher Claim, Memorial Day weekend, May 26, 27 & 28, 2018. Bring Firewood and 2018 Fire permit. Bring potluck food for Saturday night potluck at 5:30 PM.
Submitted by Pat Ashe on
May 2018 Outing, Coolgardie, Yellow Gopher Claim, Memorial Day weekend, May 26, 27 & 28, 2018. Bring Firewood and 2018 Fire permit. Bring potluck food for Saturday night potluck at 5:30 PM.
Submitted by NicoleBrady on
Just testing to see if it is hard
Submitted by aaron on
Christmas dinner will be a potluck, turkey and ham will be provided.
Gift exchange
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on
Octoberfest @ Slash X Ranch Café in Barstow, CA
Join us for some gold, goodies, grub and great people October 13th-15th.
Come out for free dry camping behind Slash X Café (porta potties onsite) or just for the events on Saturday.
Route 66 Gold Miners and Temecula Valley Prospectors will open their claims Sat. & Sun. for drywashing, recirculating systems (bring own water) and metal detecting. Please check in at AMRA’s booth in the barn to get wrist bands and event giveaway tickets.
AMRA event giveaway Saturday at 4pm. Tickets will be available for purchase starting Friday evening along with AMRA gear.
We will have a special yard sell of mining equipment and books graciously donated to AMRA by Jim Klein’s estate. We have Spiral wheels, sluices, dry washers, metal detectors and more!
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on